As a member of the BC Rural Health Network, I/we support the following purpose and guiding principles of the Network:
To promote and support a health care system that improves and sustains the health and well being of residents of rural communities across British Columbia as part of a high functioning health care system.
- All British Columbians are entitled to efficiently provided, timely and effective healthcare services.
- While the rural communities of BC differ widely in terms of needs, desires, strengths, challenges and distinctive characters they share many concerns regarding obstacles to essential healthcare services.Residents in rural communities are recognized as authorities on what is best for their community. Grassroots healthcare advocacy organizations exist in rural communities because of the recognized need to improve services.
- Residents in rural communities are recognized as authorities on what is best for their community. Grassroots healthcare advocacy organizations exist in rural communities because of the recognized need to improve services.
- Improvement to services will result from collaborative, cooperative relationships developed between community organizations, health authorities, local elected officials, local health workers, and provincial policy makers.
- Together we present a strong and unified voice for change.All British Columbians are entitled to efficiently provided, timely and effective healthcare services.
Click on the Download button to access the membership Application.
Note: No person will be denied membership because of inability to pay the membership fee.