Brenda Hooper – Chair
Dr. Margaret MacDiarmid – Vice Chair
Gail Potter – Secretary
Barbara Gibson – Treasurer
Our Mission: Through our presence, advocacy, education, and leadership we offer compassionate and practical support during life-limiting illness, end of life care, and grieving.The Greater Trail Hospice Society
News and Updates
GRIEF IS REAL. GRIEF IS A NORMAL RESPONSE TO LOSS.The COVID-19 Pandemic has intensified the normal losses of life. Throughout life we can all expect to lose loved ones due to death and we mourn those losses. However, we currently can’t share our sorrow by attending funeral or memorial services, or by hugging others who are hurting. Some people may also be struggling with loss of a job or business, loss of a feeling of security, loss of connections with friends and family, loss of your own health. A loss is a loss, regardless of what has caused it.The Greater Trail Hospice Society can support you as you grieve what you have lost.We have trained volunteers to listen to your story, help you understand what symptoms are normal during grief, and provide support so you can sift through your memories and pain, and move forward in life. Call 250-231-7344 to arrange an appointment.
The Greater Trail Hospice Society is able to accept new client referrals at this time, however, until the Interior Health pandemic directive is lifted, we have limited ability to provide the in-person services we pride ourselves in delivering. We are currently working on a safety plan to be able to provide some in-home visits.We can and do, however, connect with and support clients using technology by telephone or internet. For more information or to make a referral, please call the Hospice office (250) 364-6204 and someone will contact you before the end of the next business day.Our Mission: Through our presence, advocacy, education, and leadership we offer compassionate and practical support during life-limiting illness, end of life care, and grieving.The Greater Trail Hospice Society
CONTACT US Office Hours: Mon., Weds., Fri 9 AM to 1 PM 250-364-6204
Fax: 250-364-6218
Address: #7, Kiro Wellness Centre, 1500 Columbia Ave. Trail, B.C. V1R 1J9