Chase and District Health Services Foundation

Dave Smith President 250-679-7766
Jeanine Joelsen Secretary 250-679-3644
J.L. (Len) McLean Director 250-679-5486

Communities represented: Chase, Pritchard,Nesknlith, Adams Lake I.R.,Adams Lake, Little Shuswap I.R., Turtle Valley and Lee Creek.
The Chase and District Health Services Foundation is a Non Profit Society, registered in the Province of BC in 1997 for the purposes of improvement of patient services in the catchment area, through providing support for development, equipment, education and research. The Foundation operates as a fund-raising vehicle and regularly purchases medical equipment to support the Chase Health Centre and other local programs. At present there are no other societies in Chase that represent or advocate for health services and as such most matters of this nature are referred to the Foundation.

The Chase Health Centre services a resident population of 2286 persons and an rural outlaying area which includes a portion of the North Shuswap, Adams Lake, three First Nations Reserves, Sorrento, the Skimikin-Turtle Valley area, to Pritchard and the Paxton Valley with a population in the area of approximately 3,000 persons.

The Foundation Board of Directors consists of President (Dave Smith), Vice President (Bruce Nelson), Secretary (Jeanine Joelson), Treasurer (Leslie Bell), 5 Directors and an advisory board of 5 members. All of the Foundation members operate on a voluntary basis and there are no paid positions on the organization. The Foundation meets on a regular monthly basis at the Chase Health Centre for issues that fall within our mandate, and the meetings are open to the general public. Our Advisor Board consists of members representing the Village of Chase, the Chase Medical Clinic, The Chase Health Centre, the Provinicial CREMS Program, the Thompson Regiono Division of Family Practice and the Creekside Seniors Organization.

The Shuswap area attracts an unusual large number of retirees. The number of seniors in Chase makes up aprox. 36.8% of the total resident popuation. A similar statistic applies to the North Shuswap as well which, when combined, leaves us a population of approx. 1677 people over the age of 65 years. This situation has edged our Foundation into the role of a senior’s advocacy organization as well as a medical support group.