BC Primary Health Care Research Network: Home to the BC arm of the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (BC-CPCSSN)
The BC Primary Health Care Research Network (BC-PHCRN) is one of 11 Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations (PIHCI) networks in Canadian provinces/territories, designed to support evidence-informed transformation of the delivery of primary and integrated health care.
The goal of the BC-PHCRN is to encourage, facilitate, and support collaborations between government, health authorities, health professionals, patients and researchers. The BC-PHCRN aims to seek out, develop, and facilitate adoption of health care innovations to improve BC’s health care delivery system.
The BC-PHCRN is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
Read more at BC Primary Health Care Research Network
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